Sunday, February 20, 2011

Making progress...

"Time moves not like a river from here to there: we do that. Time moves in waves- it ebbs and flows. There is a time for everything"  ~ Anon

Slowly, slowly I am making progress on my mini Granny Square crocheted blanket project. It is something I like to pick up and hammer away at when I have a spare moment or 2, or when I am unable to keep going on my many other makings and orders. It is actually one way I like to unwind as well, as I have never been good at just sitting and watching tv, or being a passenger in a car... so I crochet then instead!

Yummy crocheted goodness... I am making (slow)
progress! Can't wait to see it all completed!
I am seriously loving the colours after much
debating and rearranging... it's gonna be mint :)
And as there is flooding happening all around us at the moment (bridges have all been closed off, therefore we are isolated for the time being... but we won't be getting wet due to flooding rivers though thank goodness! But are getting a good downpour of rain at the moment) we have a mandatory home day tomorrow! Even school has been cancelled tomorrow- much to the delight of our happy, smilely kidlets! Luckily we stocked up on essentials yesterday while in Geraldton... and so it seemed did everyone else! The place was like a mad house- complete with blinking shop lights and big buckets and fenced off "wet" areas all through the Shopping Centres... crazy weather!

All those crazy colourful squares calling out to be sewn together
with 599 other square-like friends!
... and such a long way to go yet though. Bring on another 429 squares!!
So in between my crafty goodness for BnB Factory, I have been slowly increasing the number of mini squares for my heirloom blankie... I am currently up to 171, with only 429 to go!!! Bahahahaha... but I love a good challenge!

MMMmmmm... nice, fresh apple and cinnamon muffins!
And watch as they get gobbled up... such an awesome thing to
bake (and devour) on a lazy Sunday arvo at home!

Go Denbi Mae!!! Yum yum
And what else to do on a rainy, humid day stuck inside after all the chores are done? Crafting, baking and enjoying the time spent together! And the rain on the tin roof here sounds amazing, especially as it gets heavier and heavier... just hopefully not too heavy! Wish us luck!

Happy days xox K

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