Monday, January 24, 2011

Holiday fun...

"Time is free, but it's priceless. You can't own it, but you can use it. You can't keep it, but you can spend it. Once you've lost it, you can never get it back"  ~ Harvey Mackay

And isn't the above quote so true when it comes to our kids? Time seems to fly by so quickly while they are young, then all of a sudden they become real little people.. little adults even! Talking about all sorts of mature and sensible subjects, asking curious questions and being inquisitive and paying attention to every detail of their lives... and yours!

Which is why I decided to make an extra concerted effort these school holidays to do activities and outings to keep all the kids satisfied and entertained, while they are still young enough to want to do them... we have done all sorts of things, and most of them not costing a cent but still a heap of fun!
The older 3 kids busy playing the game "Kerplunk"

Look at the concentration... lots of squeals and giggling done too!!
The first (and by far the most exxy- whoo!!! Won't be a regular thing unfortunately) proper outing we went on was to the movies to see "Megamind" in 3D. The kids *loved* it!!! And so did Mummy to be honest hahaha... That same day we also went to our local Shopping Centre and did plaster cast paintings as well, with the boys choosing a car to paint and Denbi choosing a plaque style cast with clouds and a rainbow! We've definitely got some budding artists happening here....

The kids with their pre-creation salt dough... such excitement!!
Also on our list of happenings have been regular outings to the local waterpark down on the Geraldton Foreshore with groups of friends and family. Always a fun outing and costs nothing at all, except maybe taking along a little basket of food and drink goodies for hungry tummies. The kids have also been utilising our supply of boardgames and toys as well, playing "Kerplunk" (whilst Bridie is asleep for that one though as it contains marbles of which I'm worried she'll try to pop in her mouth), "Deal or No Deal" and of course the perrenial fave- Card Games.
Salt dough creating.... "Now, what shall I make?? Decisions, decisions..."

The pre-baked creations... a letter for each of the kids names, a sword protector
for Kaelin, a pinch bowl for LJ, and a flower (with a little help from Mummy) for Denbi
And the other day I got all inspired by one of my fave bloggers Melissa Goodsell over at Day to Day- 'One Crafty Mumma'... I have previously done the good old salt dough creations with my kids in the past, and even have an awesome recipe... somewhere?! But when I saw Melissa's recipe and her daughter Bella's bowl creation I couldn't help but dig out the ingredients and get to work with the kids once again. It was great fun and we plan on doing it again really soon! So many ideas and so little dough to go around (I ran out of salt... so guess what is top of the shopping list this week lol), and next time I'll make a double or triple batch hahaha... and she has had a heap of other really cool school holiday crafts and activites on there as well! Here's Melissa's recipe from her blog...

1 cup of flour
3/4 cup of salt
1/2 cup of water
1/4 cup of cooking oil
Food colouring (optional- you may just want to paint it)

Add the flour, salt water and cooking oil together in a bowl, mixing it until combined with a spoon. Then add a few drops of food colouring and mix through with your hands until the colour is even. Once you've 'created', bake at 150'c for a few hours keeping watch, or lay somewhere for a few days to dry, and.... waaalaaa!!!! Awesome fun and all just using a few simple ingredients from your own cupboard- easy peasy lemon squeezey ;)

...and having a ball finally painting their fun masterpieces, the wait for them
to cool before painting was exhasuting LOL
We have also taken the family to the local Speedway a few times over the hols using some free entry vouchers we got (from a rained out session a few weeks back)... I am a rev head at heart, grew up out the Speedway watching my Dad and Uncle and Aunty (and even Mum for a short stint) race every second weekend, and LURVE the sights, the sounds and especially the smell.... Grrrrrlllll!!!! And now it seems our children have a bit of a love for the sport too... must run in the blood! And last weekend we were lucky enough to share it with some of our Godchildren and their Daddy too, and we all had a great night.

A very sunny shot of the Sprintcars at our last Speedway outing,
before the sun went down and the lights came on... Grrrllll!!!

And of course, all the usual fave activities have been a happening here as well... the outside play time, the 'cooking' from their play kitchen, lego building, drawing and creating with paper and craft items, watching the odd movie or 3 on the really hot days and just general fun play time. PLUS the older 3 have become really good at making their own toasted sandwiches and lunches (under the watchful eye of Mum of course, and no knives involved yet either... just the basics), and they are loving being a little independant too.

So we are off for another outing to the Waterpark tomorrow as well, and I am just about to pack my little basket with some goodies and bits n pieces for their hungry bellies after a big morning of play and fun.. I am thinking some popcorn, biscuits and maybe some fruit might do the trick! And a BIG bottle of water! And as the holidays wind to a close, I wish you all the most perfect of days, and the bestest fun on Wednesday for "Australia Day" as well... can't wait!!!

Happy Days xox K

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